Still, it lets you do fun things like take videos of popping balloons.
And this cannon shot is pretty cool too.
A little work with the shell makes it easier to read
<trkpt lat="45.483459" lon="-73.582859"><ele>3.02</ele><ti
me>2010-02-21T18:09:14Z</time></trkpt><trkpt lat="45.483878"
ime></trkpt><trkpt lat="45.483880" lon="-73.583507"><ele>
<trkpt lat="45.483800" lon="-73.583487"><ele>40.99</ele><t
ime="">2010-02-21T18:10:07Z</t><trkpt lat="45.483653" lon="-73.5835
<trkpt lat="45.483607" lon="-73.583513"><ele>34.74</ele><t
sed 's/><tr/>\n<tr/g;' Current.pgx > Current_formatted.gpxthus
and we can clean out the xml tags like so
<trkpt lat="45.483459" lon="-73.582859"><ele>3.02</ele><time>2010-02-21T18:09:14Z</time></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="45.483878" lon="-73.583719"><ele>23.21</ele><time>2010-02-21T18:09:48Z</time></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="45.483880" lon="-73.583507"><ele>44.84</ele><time>2010-02-21T18:10:02Z</time></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="45.483800" lon="-73.583487"><ele>40.99</ele><time>2010-02-21T18:10:07Z</time></trkpt>
sed 's:[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzZT=<>"/]: :g' work_morning.dat > work_morning_cleaned.datgiving
No, sadly, i dont go to work at 11... its in UTC. I wanted to see it on a map, but was too lazy to actually read the kml spec, so i got a working kml file from somewhere, put my data in longitude latitude order, and manually pasted in the place of the data that was originally there. Like this,
45.483765 -73.577330 53.01 2010-04-23 11:22:56
45.483493 -73.576993 46.28 2010-04-23 11:23:03
45.483415 -73.576909 44.84 2010-04-23 11:23:05
45.483381 -73.576872 44.36 2010-04-23 11:23:06
awk 'NF>1 {print $2 ",",$1 ",",$3}' work_morning_cleaned.dat >work_morning_data.datto get
The picture shows part of a GPS track generated yesterday morning as i biked to work. If you have Google Earth, clicking on this link to the kml file should display the track in Earth, which is more interactive than this png.
-73.574906, 45.482053, 39.55
-73.574535, 45.481752, 40.99
-73.574299, 45.481560, 42.44
-73.573888, 45.481230, 44.36
awk 'NF>1 {print $2 ,$1 }' work_morning_cleaned.dat >work_ll.datto get:
proj +proj=utm work_ll.dat >work_utm.dat
and then
-4558775.49 8004745.96
-4558785.90 8004720.21
-4558786.15 8004719.30
-4558787.05 8004716.93
-4558788.19 8004714.00
awk 'NR>1{dx=$1-lastx;dy=$2-lasty;dt=$4-lastt; dist=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); \Twenty-seven km. That explains why my legs feel like jelly. Theres a few jumps and skips in the track and it appears to sometimes float off the ground, so it would seem that some more adjustments would be required before I would entirely trust this GPS track. But it does give me something to look at while my legs recover.
sum=sum+dist; } {lastx=$1;lasty=$2;lastt=$4}END {print "Total Distance:",sum}'\
Total Distance: 27209.3